
College of Public Administration
發(fā)布人:GZU  發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-13   瀏覽次數(shù):1977


The College of Public Administration was founded in August 2013 due to the program to build Guizhou University into a top-level university with its own features. The College has three first-level disciplines, such as Public Administration, Political Science and Sociology. The disciplines enjoy a long history, with Administrative Management and Social Work founded respectively in 1987 and in 1993. Thus, Guizhou University is among the first universities that set up the two disciplines in China. The long history enables the College to get rich experience in education and research and form its own features of disciplines development and talent cultivation. The College's motto is: “know the world better by investigating and help the people by fulfilling duties”.

Among the faculty of 74, there are 64 full-time teachers including 13 professors. In all, 65% of them are professors or associate professors and 81% of them own doctorate or master’s degrees. Due to their outstanding achievements, some teachers are awarded special government allowances or honorable titles. There are four experts enjoying special government allowances, three experts with provincial awards, one Qianling Scholar, five Provincial Academic Pacemakers, and one Outstanding Young Talent of Science and Technology. Currently, it has formed a high-quality teaching team with most teachers being young and middle-aged.

The College has formed a system consisting of bachelor, master and doctor education. For the bachelor’s program, it has 6 majors in Administrative Management, Labor and Social Security, Urban Management, Land Resources Management, Political Science and Administration as well as Social Work, providing degrees of Management, Law, and Engineering. For the master’s program, it is authorized to grant Master’s degree of Political Science, Sociology and Demography as well as the first level discipline of Public Administration (including Administration, Social Security, Public Policy and Land Resource Management). It also grants the professional Master's degree of MPA (Master of Public Administration) and MSW (Master of Social Work). For doctorate program, it is authorized to grant Doctorate degree of Social Management.

With the aim to build first-level disciplines and to serve the economic and social development in Guizhou, the College is committed to developing “first-level team, talent, platform, and think tank”. The College has been authorized to grant Doctorate degree of Social Management and Master’s degree of Public Administration (first-level discipline), Political Science as well as Sociology (second-level discipline). There is currently a provincial-level key discipline (Public Administration) , a provincial-level key research base of humanities and social science (Research Center of Population, Society and Rule of Law), and a provincial “2011” collaborative innovation center (Modern Collaborative Innovation Center of Government Governance System and Governance Capacity for Underdeveloped Areas in Guizhou Province). The college has formed a relatively comprehensive discipline system and is making continuous efforts for its further development.

The college management system consists of teaching management, academic research and administrative management systems. The teaching management system consists of five departments, such as Public Administration, Labor and Social Security, Land Resources Management, Political Science, and Sociology. The academic research management system mainly consists of research institutions at provincial, university and college level. The administrative management system includes the offices responsible for academic degree, teaching, researching, college affairs and student’s affairs.

Bachelor’s Programs

Politics and Administration
Social Work
Public Service Administration
Public Administration
Labor and Social Security
Land Resource Management
City Management

Master’s Programs Offered

Political Theory
Social Work (Professional Degree)
Public Administration
Public Administration (Professional Degree)
Land Resource Management   

Contact us

College of  Public Administration
Guizhou University
Guiyang , Guizhou 550025

Tel: +86 (851)88292300
Fax: +86 (851)88293201
Email: spa@gzu.edu.cn  

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