
UCSI University of Malaysia Visits for Academic Exchanges
發(fā)布人:李娟  發(fā)布時間:2024-08-26   瀏覽次數(shù):10

On the morning of August 26, Rohana Binti Yusof, an academician from the Academy of Sciences of Malaysia and Vice President of UCSI University, along with her team, visited Guizhou University to participate in an international exchange and cooperation seminar. The seminar took place in Conference Room 202 of the Xianzheng Building, where Vice President Wang Jinrong welcomed the guests and delivered an opening speech.

Attendees included representatives from the Office of Academic Affairs, Graduate School, Institute of Science and Technology, Office of International Relations, Academy of Music, School of Management, College of International Education, College of Medicine, and other relevant departments and colleges. The meeting was hosted by Hong Yun, Director of the Office of International Relations and President of North Alabama International College of Engineering and Technology.

Wang Jinrong expressed his warm welcome to Rohana Binti Yusof and provided a brief overview of Guizhou University's history. He emphasized the importance of this exchange seminar as an opportunity to strengthen connections and enhance communication and collaboration in research and academics between the two universities.

Participants engaged in in-depth discussions on joint student training initiatives and short-term student exchange programs.

Editor: Zhang Chan & Kang Meihua

Chief Editor: Li Xufeng

Senior Editor: Ding Long

Translator: Li Xiaorong

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